Sunday, June 30, 2013
Bistro set on Floyd
Sun yellow in a can of ice-cap melting joy. Surface texture smoothness thwarted by multiple tropical storms, rapid-spun spider webs and some consistent spray-coverage issues. With these IKEA delights its going to be a bright outdoors this 4th of July.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
The pond on Floyd
Fish training in progress... final session this weekend and then these guys will be fully qualified and in charge of THE pond next door. It has had an exploding population in recent weeks.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Carter Mountain, Charlottesville
The peaches weren't quite ripe but that didn't stop us. The wild raspberries were ready and they tasted amazing, if you could stretch far enough across the poison ivy to reach them.
It was baking hot with a low grey muggy sky. We stood arms out-stretched in front of the giant fans back at the farm store before a picnic in the shade and a bit of peach painting - all dry in moments.

Friday, June 21, 2013
Build School on Floyd
'Supportalators' are the things that give strength to any given structure. A detailed video exists describing their values that makes for child and dad-led learning victories. Those bowling guys usually get posted into interior oblivion, after a fall from their precarious perches.
Bond location and set directors need look no further for future talent...
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Robious Landing, Midlothian
J's Forest School off-shoot up at Robious Landing on the James River, swollen from recent tropical rainfall and muggy and creepery as a result.
We watched rowers train on the river, painted clouds (pic) and checked out the wildlife on offer - we saw a non 'fake' woodpecker, heron and an almost drowning young labrador. Made mulch soup with some little girls in the playground and talked snakes with the park ranger...
For a more historical perspective check out the role of Prince William the III.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Vacation Bible School (VBS), St Mark's Boulevard
He's got the whole world in his hands... and the back stairs and pizza!
Here the world in body parts - the UK thanks to J's head and the kidney shaped island thanks to M's feet. They had such a good time without us and we had such a good time on our bikes, at speed, with a scotch egg picnic and in a classy NZ burger joint with local beer and finally with a Hell's Kitchen approved pizza.
Three free evenings... what more could one wish for.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Forest Camp, Sabot at Stony Point
So M headed into the woods sprayed thoroughly with insect repellant and in suitable footwear. Their adventures took them to different locations deep into the Lewis G Larus Park, including the Chippenham Parkway underpass.
Day 1. The (fun) Bridge
Day 2. The (dusty) Canyon & The Bridge
Day 3. The (muddy) Tunnel
Day 4. The (muddy, dark) Tunnel
Day 5. The Bridge then The (exciting) Gardens
Sightings - a turtle, toad, a snake (!), tadpoles, assorted insects... more ticks
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Quidditch Party, Grayland Tot Lot
The University of Richmond's Quidditch Team flew into action for a lovely Birthday party in the park. These broom sticks were not flight-ready but the snitch was quick and the team trained hard, with the odd wizard in their midst and a (fake) snowy owl for a prop.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Last day, First Grade
The day arrived and with minimal fuss and some Cold Play on disc, we got to school on time. I wept a little and at pick-up we held back to give Mrs M a giant hug and wept some more.
M says she's half, 'Wawawa', because she has to leave First Grade and half excited because it's summer holidays and we get to look after A & H - the human alternative to last summer's Kinoulton chickens.
Here they are back on the First day...
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Ice Cream Quilt, Design Phase
J & I have worked up a paper-scale model of her future-quilt, though she wanted to subvert the cones into a lion's mane and the ceiling fan disagreed with us both...
Now I just need the energy to make it actually happen. The odd patch of gingham, an IKEA duvet cover, plus some wadding, all await action.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Byrd House Market, Oregon Hill
And finally we got to Tuesday's Byrd House Farmer's Market in heavy heat, stalling immediately at the playground. With crazy old equipment, a beautiful green tree for shade and lots of kids to run around with, some fairly combative though - it was a wild time.
At the stalls there was freshly squeezed lemonade, great berries and bright, bright zinnias.
Oregon Hill, Richmond, VA, USA
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Jamestown Colonial Parkway
Jamestown Colonial National Historic Parkway... we found a critter-fest, airborne bugs-aplenty but a large turkey vulture standing wings spread was quite impressive. Waterborne snakes, two super-poisonous water moccasins on the shoreline and one copperhead in the creek below, and other assorted dull fish. Land roaming deer, cute turtles and persistent ticks, including a couple who hitched a ride home, to be extracted at bath time.
All this and it wasn't even a Safari Park, just Virginia. We thank the Italians for taking us out into the wild with such style.
Jamestown, VA, USA
Spy Tent, The Front Yard
These two were after burglars in the front yard - the youth end of Neighborhood Watch-America, they had a hose set to 'jet 'at the ready, princess books to while away the in-between time and plenty of comfort.
Catching fireflies in jam jars was considered a complementary task, with their release set for after dark.
Friday, June 7, 2013
First Friday
This was a music night! Whilst the rains washed in, we donned waterproofs and hit the venues along Broad for the monthly art-walk.
At Gallery 5 some punk; outside Turnstyle some electronic-rave, in Candela the RVA Classical Revolution (and a Bernese Mountain dog puppy!) - the girls conducted with the stick remains of soggy pinwheels - and the best was in Pibby's Bicycle and Skate with some fab blue grass...
Oh what a night!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Class and Trash, Ashland
Up Route 1, just outside Ashland aka the Centre of the Universe, is a thrift store of reclaim delight - wrought iron work, outdoor tables, retro seating, holiday postcards and this splendid piano.
We'll be back to actually make a purchase one day soon.
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