Sunday, March 4, 2012

Disneyland, Anaheim

Most people have decided whether or not they like Disney Parks before going to one. I was with two adults who had thought this would be their one and only visit, and two kids -- M, who had been looking forward to this day for about a year and thought she'd like to live here, and J who doesn't really plan ahead but would be right behind her sister, just on principle.

I though, am a veteran of Disney Parks and while I hate myself for it, I love them.

Sala, playing the true Fairy God Mother role had arranged that we'd get a carriage to the Palace, but be able to stay long past midnight. The carriage meant we didn't need to deal with horrible Los Angeles traffic, and the overnight stay meant early access to the park.

We spent the first ninety minutes doing the P'ter Pan, Dumbo and Tea-cup rides while the queues were short and the breeze cool. Then we embarked on our first long wait to meet and greet The Princesses. M & J were awestruck by Ariel and Belle (who didn't know her husband - The Beast's real name - which was Prince Adam), and we were impressed by Mulan's mustering of warrior Girl Power (now used by J for difficult moments on the potty!). We then spent an easy crowd-free hour milling around the Royal Auditorium where the girls were trained in regal hand waving followed by a gentle story-time with Snow White.

The Disney Corporation did us proud and everyone's dreams came true.