Wednesday, April 25, 2012

M.F.A. Show, Anderson Gallery, VCU

Ranked no. 1 by us, but also US News & World Report Week, the M.F.A. students at Virginia Commonwealth University have been sifted down to a compelling group for this show.

Ghosts and 'presences' of all sorts are conjured up... with our top prize going Jacob Vincent's Solaris-style installation (pictured) and hidden around the corner was Mayme Donsker's film piece shot in an old-time dance hall, showing just the shadows on the wall - past couples spirited away with grace. It felt as if we were about to cast our own shadows and was all the more moving for this.

Outside Ander Mikalson's howlings filled a neighbouring barn, whilst back indoors Ginger Metzger stitched away on little blocks of fabric to no seeming purpose or end... The girls attempts to engage her were thwarted with focussed intent .

M remains adamant that this is where she is going to study.