Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama at the Carillion, Richmond

He came, they locked down the parks and the crowds were bussed in, and those arriving after morning shifts sat with us on the curb, listening to his speech live-streamed on phones and hearing the cheers from those who'd made it in!

Obama was hoarse, joked about 'Romnesia' - saying, thankfully even if suffering from it, Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions - then he called out the repeal of 'Don't ask Don't Tell' and reforming student lending... and it all sounded great to me and my pavement buddies. Still the press say the balance has tipped to Romney. He flies in on Saturday. I'll not be cycling out to that one.

It all ended with The Boss (aka Bruce Springsteen (live in Charlottesville, but recorded for this)) and the odd ambulance for the fainters in the heat.