The San Francisco adventure began in a 1940s army hospital after an exhausting midnight packing session, dawn rising, interminably long cross-continent flight and then a mammoth public transport trek across SF with a car-seat, pram, large bags, computers and two small children.
First a stroll in the evening sun, palm trees, lush lawns, sebaceous shrubbery and a pooch park from heaven. Lots of fluff balls and their owners savoring the last rays and a fabulous view of the Golden Gate Bridge and more critically Safeways - the source of our evening substance, cooked in the hostel's giant kitchen. Suddenly too tired for any joy we ate and fell into our single beds and pondered the pitch darkness with a sense of trepidation.
A communal breakfast overlooking Alcatraz with bagels, orange juice and waffles was enough to right our weary souls... so we decided to walk.
Ended with Quorn (!) and red wine in the hostel kitchen and some contentment, though no showers braved yet! Then out one last time for the loud mayhem of the Chinese New Year parade - the Year of the Water Snake.