Saturday, April 6, 2013

Scott Mountain, Appalachian Trail

We didn't plan to climb the steepest mountain to hand but joined the trail at McCormick Gap and headed upwards and south. We felt intrepid as we went vertically through the bare trees, with glimpses of wide open countryside to east and west. It was breathless-making and sunny and just great to be on the Appalachian Trail, somewhere along it's 2200 miles. Of course Bill Bryson was in some of our ears, as we steadied along a contour line.

Before all this, The King Family Vineyard down in the valley below had been the location for a great family-neighbour picnic, some heady wine tasting and an impromptu dose of American Football coaching. The vines were bare and the mountains grey but the view grew with beauty as we relaxed. At the close of the day we made our way into Charlottesville and wandered...