Monday, January 20, 2014

Savage Neck Dunes Natural Area Preserve, Eastern Shore

An idyll on the Eastern Shore. We crossed a 7 mile sea bridge with tunnels to reach the epicentre of the Chesapeake Crater, lunched in the shut seaside town of Cape Charles and thanks to GPS found the nearby 10,000 year old sand dunes of Savage Neck.

Beyond the flat, utter blandness of the highway, with its motels, their amazing 50's signs, and the Hams, Peanut & Firework merchants, a single track road led to a 4-car lot and a path through the pines, past a dune lake and then out onto the most amazing untouched shoreline. Above the boardwalk 50 foot dunes covered in Loblolly pines and the odd shed snake-skin...

Deep in a tunnel beneath the Chesapeake our car crossed it's 200,000 mile mark - an epic road trip all round, especially for the hung-over, conjunctivitis-suffering, evening driver.