Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snow on Floyd

I am sitting here watching M, in full ski-wear and Sam, in pyjamas and a hat, build an igloo in the 4" of snow that has fallen since 5pm. J has taken herself off to bed fully clothed whilst P and I are living in the moment after 2 hours (should have been 55 mins!) driving home from Williamsburg Premium Outlet Mall, where we'd been stocking up on decent all-weather shoes in the hopes of some skiing in Wintergreen on President's Day (plan now shelved). 

Of the 12 cars we saw who'd slewed off the road into various precipitous ditches we were reassured to note most were of the 4-wheeled and overtaking-variety. However we felt bad not stopping to help. There was no given that we wouldn't be joining them. 

Having finally made it up Main Street, our first task was to head to Shield's Store and stock up on a celebratory bottle of red. The igloo is almost done. It is now 10.40pm at night but the earth is not cold and I suspect this will all be gone in the morning. M wanted to tell the world it was snowing in Richmond but she wasn't sure they'd reply...