Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pho Tây Dô, off Horsepen Road, Richmond

So the hairdresser of a friend, who we coincidently met in a park we'd ended up in, recommended this Vietnamese blue shed for lunch. We joined them in a convoy that involved finding an ATM, then rejoining the dual carriageway before turning and spotting a little Vietnames place in a strip mall, but they didn't turn off; then we saw a strange cluster of Far Eastern cafes and mini markets, with stooped men on porches smoking, which looked interesting but we still didn't stop; we turned up a residential back street and saw a regular house that was indeed blue, with Vietnamese folk just leaving and we parked.

Inside it was awesome - murals of Vietnam, with cut outs of Erin Brockovitch and airline stewardesses and seating that was functional '50s with red plastic coverings. I went for something on the bottom of page 3 and the fried tofu in rice paper was pretty and great with chilli and peanut sauce. The soup involved adding fresh bean sprouts, basil and pak choi so that it wilted amidst the noodles - definitely the best 'hidden' diner in town.