Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 1: Summer Vacation

The vision - pottering about making castles with recycled boxes, painting them on kitchen floor, everyone clearing up and washing brushes, strolling to amazing art store for supplies, family lunch and then the vision collapses...

Child 1 tried to gag Child 2. Child 1 wanted a movie and Parent 1 selected the wrong type of 101 Dalmation i.e. real not a cartoon. Parent 1 then could no longer access TV thanks to two remotes that don't make sense. Headed to grocery store and Child 1 just wanted everything, whilst Child 2 ate anything that they could reach and we hadn't yet paid for.

Opened bottle of wine to share with Neighbour 2 and decided to simplify supper to sausages, with the preferred option of ketchup as the main. Parent 2 took over and all seems quiet.

Flip that was Day 1. Bring on Day 2.