Friday, March 2, 2012

Getty Villa, Malibu

Thank heavens for oil barons - this place is magical - tinkling fountains, fantastic ancient artefacts and an impressive contemporary amphitheatre extension into the canyon. It has it all.

My favourite bits were a simple dog on a pot from the cyclades, gorgeous glass that reminded me of all the bottle collectors I know and a real Mummy who'd been x-rayed and carefully bought back to life.

However the highlight is the team in the education room who went into the garden to collect us fresh leaves for rubbings, who let us go wild with the shadow theatre and left us to doodle on 'ancient' pots with felt tips. Outdoors along the pond one was left to dream and gaze out once more on the Pacific ocean.

Molten Color

Architects 1997 onwards:
Rodolfo Machado and Jorge Silvetti