If this is beginning to sound like a Hasselhoff mini series I am about to reset the balance. Take a constipated child and one exhausted older sibling and head to the mountains for a hike. If in Vancouver avoid the tourist phenomenon that is the Capilano Suspension Bridge and instead head for the more naturally stunning, Lynn Valley.
Amidst the immense trees and precipitously above the raging force of the glacier blue water could be heard the cry of one, almost 3 year old, refusing to walk. Shoulders aching we made the journey up and down cliff sides, stopping for an emergency poo pit stop, then hitting the picnic tables for a mosquito-fuelled lunch, and another 'almost-situation' that M highlighted by noting to passing walkers how important a healthy bowel is!!!
The discomfort was distracting to all on the trail so we decided to head on to a dilapidated, but cool art gallery I was in ten years ago. Made it up three flights of stairs before we had to head down again ot the loos and relieve the older of my two companions, then they settled on the floor to draw whilst I actually got to really look at the art. The treat was a soya hot chocolate in the cafe for contemporay art on the esplanade.

Returned with a better child to adult ratio a few days later - the rain poured but the the scenery held it's own and the passing fell-runners added serious mud splattering to the adventure. The treat his time was Deep Coves' honey-dipped doughnuts and gazing at its bay.
Presentation House
Cafe for Contemporary Art
Honey's Doughnuts

Returned with a better child to adult ratio a few days later - the rain poured but the the scenery held it's own and the passing fell-runners added serious mud splattering to the adventure. The treat his time was Deep Coves' honey-dipped doughnuts and gazing at its bay.
Presentation House
Cafe for Contemporary Art
Honey's Doughnuts