Just yesterday a mass of VCU art foundation students, a giant map of America and the delightful artist duo of SP Weather Station station, gathered to recreate Hurricane Irene with lambs wool for a stop-go animation.
Taking note of the Levi's Walk Across America advert, this bookshop one, Beringer Wineries and the joy of Fantastic Mr Fox, they knelt and stretched over the image board and between of countdowns of ten, began the laborious process of moving Irene across the eastern seaboard and their own city... absorbing in the process - the idiosyncrasies of the weather and collaborative art making. They added their own energy and the odd puff of fake snow to a scene that took it's tole just over 8 months ago, before the earthquake, that is.
'Survivor 2011' T-shirts are sported by many a local teenager and make us chuckle. LA folk may mock the 5.8 richter scale ranking but we have nuclear power stations and no-one had earthquake insurance out here - it's just not normal... after-shocks still rumble.