Somedays it's so wet it takes some strong spirits to embrace the outdoors, but with Tina by our side we did it! Encased in waterproofing for most, and the P'ter-principle of less clothes, less wet for the rest, we crossed the Tredegar Bridge for some pottering in lime-green leafiness. It felt as if we were in the jungle, beside a wild river and it was bliss, until we got too cold.
We refuelled at Buzz n Ned's smokery, this time with a half rack of ribs for us and every carb variable for P - fries, potato salad plus mac n cheese n bread. You could spot those who'd gone for the full rack, so to speak. Then off for some calories-shifting shopping - dashing between covered walkways and flooded tarmac - with the odd bargain in between. More storms to come...