Friday, June 8, 2012

Farm Bus on Kensington

Pulled up outside the local children's bookshop was this bus and a bunny and lots of local folks... inside it's like a movie set for fruit and veg.

We got our wicker basket and filled it up with yellow zucchini, blueberries and raspberries, that tasted as good as the ones from my granny's garden. I was transported back to summer afternoons picking them with her, debating if strawberries were better (they never were for me)  and then running around her raised walkway before tea on the lawn.

Instead I baked chocolate brownies with European cocoa, a dusting of icing sugar (aka confectioners) and a few surviving raspberries on the side - our Friday outdoor-cinema guests were happy!

The Farm Bus

PS: The car in front was owned by a cute guy offering free hugs - it was humid - I declined.