Back at the Sponge HQ this Friday night, we got to re-live the MoMA moment with relics and tales from the Prototype for the Phylum Porifera. Live mould castings of polyurethane sponge forms, bouncy 'till cured and ready for more needle felting - this time it was lavendar wool, with M & J handling the sharps well.
The home hive had ceased to buzz after multiple stresses - building work and a slight location shift amongst them. So Hope harvested and it was a fabulous sight - oozing, golden honey glowing in the evening lamplight and large chucks of strikingly geometric honey-comb heaped in buckets. M & I got to taste it all straight from the hive and it was delicious.
There were lots of folk to chat to as this was a shared potluck and late night with the Portrait as Community students.
Things evolved and all was lovely...