Monday, July 29, 2013

Clubhouse on Floyd

Finally the fold-down table has been achieved. A strong twig for the dowel-leg-connector, a hot pink Sharpie for graffiti and some great picnics ahead, if only we could exclude the mozzies...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Swim tea on Floyd

As promised - a chocolate cake for effort with a Smartie wave plus freshly squeezed orange juice.

Scott's Addition, Richmond

Not far from us, where the anarchist bike co-op is located, is a neighbourhood with some amazing mid century industrial architecture gems. This 1946 one is for Handcraft - a medical clothing cleaning business - dilapidated, but in part use.

Our incomplete bike mission was to upgrade M from a 14" to an 18" wheel.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Goochland Drive-In, Hadensville

Back after too long a pause. This great American institution is just joyous. Ate burgers, got popcorn and made friends, all before the sun went down and the showing of retro commercials and Turbo the movie - animated snail wins Indie 5000. Next time pyjamas, pillows and long trousers...

Peach season, Carter Mountain

The yellow, cling peach season is closing, though we found a giant one that is warming on the kitchen table. There were perfect mountain views today, that went from deep greens out to the hazy Blue Ridge - we painted, with chilled glasses of Voignier on the side.

University of Virgininia, Charlotesville (UVA)

Hushed academic cloisters (it is the holidays!) and an impressive rotunda and tales of secret societies and irrepressible alumni such as Tina Fey... this is most certainly Virginia's Cambridge. Apply now.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fortmakers, 1708 Gallery

This is what New York's Fortmakers are up to in Richmond this summer.

Back on Floyd these mini Fortmakers did this after a visit to the construction site with the giant crane that was used for a dawn installation today.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Back to Yorktown Beach, Chesapeake Bay

A couple of hours on the sea shore to paddle, wallow and make moats that could harbour offending sea nettle jellyfish, this time who stung! J got some vinegar treatment that eased her pain but I was first and got a few hours of intense sting. A storm was about to blow in so we decamped to Ben and Jerry's and J had her first free-choice ice-cream - a great moment for N.A.E.T. treatment.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cat sitting on Floyd

No, we won't be having one! The fish won hands down in this summer's pet sitting challenge. Bessie, Feisty and Pickle are fed, watered and cleaned... the girls got borrowed lego time and gave a little bit of love.

Float night, Jefferson Lakeside

Why swim, if one can float? Our swim lessons are almost over and M is a marvel at freestyle, breast and back stroke and J is a utterly resistant to any notion of progress. Perhaps next year...

Summer playdate on Floyd

Just because sometimes life feels idyllic - sewing and baking and clubhouse picnics...
  • a puffy felt flower pot and floral heart (M)
  • some ultimately flat but tasty Franie buns, with imported glace cherries from Wells-next-the-Sea
  • a gluten-free, fruit-slices picnic

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Royal Birth on Floyd

The first PIMMS of the season taken on neighbouring porch, amidst giant thunder claps, stark flashes of lightening and of course the incessant news of the arrival of a royal baby... later to be utterly predictably named George - modernising the monarchy, really?!?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sun photography on Floyd

M's striking sun photo using the creeper leaves below.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Our forest camp... Lewis G. Larus Park, Chesterfield

It got a bit intense and humid in the woods to the point of light headedness. M trained me in the 'snake walk' with a stick and lots of hole poking and log smacking - none were seen. The stream was dammed, the hornets avoided and the sludgy bits did not infect us with anything thus far. It was kind of bliss but in a tropical, glad-to-be-back-in-the-car half an hour later, air con full blast. Spotted a roaming turtle on the route home.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Like summer's used to be... Sabot at Stony Point

Back for second year, the girls did a free-roaming summer camp in the idyllic grounds of Sabot and it's studio - large loom weaving, Squirrel River excavation and healthy snack time, if you can find your lost marmite pitta - there was a hunt. They were completely content and I was set free...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Elsewhere, Greensboro, North Carolina

There's just so much in this spot... a 1930s thrift store as a living museum, with amazing kitchen thanks to Morgan J Puett - next on our road trip menu.

There were swings in the shopfront window, every toy you've ever played with since before you were born - Fisher Price, Disney, Sesame Street, Godzilla... All colour sorted and up for handling for strange games. Then a vertical bowling alley of pots and pans, a ribbon room for rolling in, a fabric fort and star constellation of pantyhose and a floor more, of World War II surplus and dolls congregating in tents. Artists from every corner of the globe had made their mark and lots of young ones were hanging out right now.

It was completely worth the long and dull journey 171 miles due south on the 85, no twists or turns, one flat lake to cross and more trees! We crossed a border -

'Welcome to North Carolina - Nation's most military friendly state.' Say no more...

Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro

Behind the most unfriendly 1980s red brick facade lies a sculpture courtyard with a super, selective combination of great things, including this reflective Dan Graham cube and indoors the Weatherspoon has carefully curated spaces and delightful staff.

Today we caught Nina Pereg's 'Abraham Abraham/Sarah Sarah' film installation, recording the change of hands of a sacred burial site on the West Bank, used for both Jewish and Muslim services, all overseen by Isreali Security Services.

Next door a show that's been to Richmond's Anderson Gallery too and is Arlene Shechet's ceramic forms melded in rich colours, including a pouring of gold. Back in the high-ceiling entry hall is a contemporary frieze of naughtiness and war by Tom Otterness.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Farm to Family, Mechanicsville Turnpike

A farm shop in a bus that then became a chicken coop - what's not to love about Farm-to-Family's more traditional roofed store out in Mechanicsville. We stopped in and picked up giant tomatoes, collected warm eggs and decided we loved loved ducks. There was some discussion about last year's Kinoulton chickens and Bitey's renown has certainly crossed the ocean.

Sometimes the most amazing bits of life here are the ones that most echo my childhood - farm shops that sold dried fruit bars and smelt of warm hay - bliss!

Colonial Williamsburg again...

The chores were completed and for 20 stars the girls earned a carriage ride... plus the dishwasher got emptied and the laundry sorted!

We wanted Mr Bob and his steeds, Captain and Ranger but instead got Mistress Kate, with Thomas and Jeremiah. We went off-road and the girls were bemused - they wanted the proper tour down the streets.

Thankfully we spotted Mr Bob in the blue carriage and waved wildly and then met the stage-coach 'driver' under one of Williamsburg's speciman trees - a Compton Oak - whilst we picnicked. We'll go communal with him next time... It's a longer ride and the girls love meeting crazy tourists who hold our accents responsible for colonisation.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The next rug

It's well underway and is heading towards teal aka Heinz bake bean green, with an August deadline due to the departing client returning to the motherland. It will be soaked with my tears by the end but for now my thrift store supplies are gathered and I am concentrating on maintaining a consistent oblong.

The finished circular original behind has had its moment of glory.

Summer birthdays, Carillon

... that have Dads out in public parks at dawn with a shovel, lugging water melons, digging holes and scattering white powder markers - really no alarm bells for witnessing joggers?

The scavenger hunt was fabulously hot and ranged across the whole park with melting gold coins aplenty, water stops and the eventual triumphant dig. Then the home-made goblin piñata, a big stick and blind folds - so brutal and fun with no candy but skipping ropes and whistles instead.

Refuelling with Italian chocolate cake and retrieved melons (!) before more playground time and a little performance on the open stage. The perfect summer birthday.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The 4th July, Byrd Park

This year we joined the Russians beside a glorious pool from afternoon wallow, to sparkler-filled dusk and on to firework-lit night, thanks to the mass city display just beyond the trees.

There were snacks along the way of red, white and blue and a cook-out extravaganza done with complete confidence. Hot dog joy for both fans - the veggie and non veggie.

J decided to do DIY sparklers when supplies ran out and took two star-spangled flags over to the poolside sconces and attempted a lighting - she was captured before completing her mission - respectful flag disposal was not on her agenda (it's a big deal over here!).

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

More garden explorers, Lewis Ginter

Week 1. Plants that eat living things and leaves that are touch sensitive... science fiction didn't seem so weird for once.

Week 2.  We got into pond dipping and lifted some May flies out before returning them to the murky shallows to await their one day ascension back above the water surface. There were fish in there too and little frantic bugs... it was hard to put the net down, until the fish food was offered and then we were off feeding turtles and trying to spot black snakes.

Ended the steamy morning playing a drum kit made from tree trunks and gourds - natural play just got seriously cool.

Monday, July 1, 2013

First class, Richmond Ballet

Much nervous anticipation for a lovely class in the amazing Richmond Ballet building Downtown - a converted 1920s factory.

It was FAME without the sweat, at least for today.