There's just so much in this spot... a 1930s thrift store as a
living museum, with amazing kitchen thanks to
Morgan J Puett - next on our road trip menu.

There were swings in the shopfront window, every toy you've ever played with since before you were born - Fisher Price, Disney, Sesame Street, Godzilla... All colour sorted and up for handling for strange games. Then a vertical bowling alley of pots and pans, a ribbon room for rolling in, a fabric fort and star constellation of pantyhose and a floor more, of World War II surplus and dolls congregating in tents. Artists from every corner of the globe had made their mark and lots of young ones were hanging out right now.
It was completely worth the long and dull journey 171 miles due south on the 85, no twists or turns, one flat lake to cross and more trees! We crossed a border -
'Welcome to North Carolina - Nation's most military friendly state.' Say no more...